"How to Put the Attainment of Your Desires 
on Automatic Pilot!"

By  Stuart Lichtman

"My goal is to be rich by the end of the year."

"My goal is to get more money fast!"

"My goal is to have Donald Trump owing me money."

Those might be called goals, but chances are high that the person saying them will never achieve them.


Because they simply aren't good targets.

Most people set a goal, declare it their target, and then wonder why they don't hit it.


Well, no one has ever explained the inner workings of the human mind quite like I do in my book, How to Get Lots of Money for Anything - Fast.

You see, in the past, when you stated a desire and tried to achieve it, you didn't know that other parts of you may have other desires.

How to Set Your Target.

Why do you have inner parts that may not want the same goal you say you want?

I'll explain it to you. This is something virtually no one else has ever understood.

Your brain's activities are divided among four different systems, each involving a major part of your brain. Usually these parts are pulling you in different directions because they each speak a different language: 

  • The right brain is fluent in patterns of arrangement, rhythm, and sound.

  • The left brain's language is made up of words and logic.

  • The midbrain communicates in emotions.

  • The brainstem's language consists of physical stimulus and response.

Your "rhythm section", the part of the brain that "speaks" the language of patterns, rhythm, and sound, is popularly known as the right brain.

The "words and logic brain" is sometimes called the left brain.

The emotionally fluent section is the midbrain. 

And the part that responds to physical stimulus is the brainstem. You have probably experienced them all working together in harmony-and sometimes in conflict, battling and even sabotaging each other. 

For example:

Why Dieting Sucks 

This example ought to strike home for you:

Suppose you decide to go on a diet and write a resolution (words and logic).

But when you arrive at the dinner table, you unconsciously grab a hot, fresh roll and bite into it before realizing that it will delay reaching your weight-loss goal (physical stimulus: sitting down to dinner - and response: eating a roll).

Perhaps you get upset at yourself, muttering some obscenity (emotions) and, in response, rededicate yourself to holding to your diet (words and logic again).

You refuse the potatoes and gravy (words and logic) and feel better about  yourself. (emotions).

But pretty soon, something seems to be missing (your patterns are being violated).

Meat without potatoes? You think (words and logic), "Where are the potatoes? Potatoes go with meat" (pattern).

Do you get a feel for what is happening? Do you sense the inner contradictions?

No wonder dieting doesn't work!

Relax. It can be another way.


Not only are the four parts of your brain often in conflict, even when what you consciously want wouldn't create conflict, three parts usually don't know what that is!

In other words, they won't give you what they don't know you want!


Well, try the following simple exercise:

  1. Close your eyes and imagine a yellow triangle perfectly centered within a red circle.

  2. Keep picturing that for as long as you can. At what moment do other ideas, thoughts, emotions, visual images, sounds, or feelings intrude?

  3. Note what intrudes. If you're typical and if you're honest with yourself, you didn't make it more than 3 seconds.

  4. What intruded is what I call, "your steam of consciousness." 

If you were trying to give someone else instructions and that included your stream of consciousness, they'd get totally confused.

For example, I'm focusing on writing this. Here's what it might sound like if I were describing what I want and including my stream of consciousness:

  • I want to describe framing.

  • My ear itches.

  • Scratch it.

  • Do I start with the word example or.?

  • Now the top of my head itches.

  • I have to move my legs, they are crossed and feel uncomfortable.

  • No, that's too complicated

  • Now my right eyebrow itches.

  • And the top of my head.

  • Oh, an email just came in.

  • Maybe I should take a look.

  • No, I should finish this section. Etc.

That's the sort of thing that goes on all the time. Check it out  for yourself.

Also, notice that each time my unconscious intruded with a stream  of consciousness experience, I not only recognized that experience but I consciously responded.

My unconscious was listening to all of that. How could it tell what was important and what was of little importance? 

How can it tell when the same thing goes on with you? 

The answer is: NORMALLY IT CAN'T!

It can't unless you frame what you want it to pay attention to.

Whoops! What's framing?

Framing is simply the process of breaking things into logical elements. In this case, it means separating what you want from everything else that goes on in your "steam of consciousness." 

In effect, putting a bulls eye around what you want. The Success And Failure Process  I'm going to show you what you might consider a ridiculously simple exercise in framing and instructing your unconscious. 

I call it the Success and Failure Process. 

In fact, it's so simple, you might think it's silly.

But if you try it, you'll learn something important - as well as increasing your success rate.

  1. Each day, take a clean piece of paper, divide it into two columns, write "successes" at the top of the left hand column and "failures" at the top of the right hand one. Then date the page.

    Under "successes," briefly note each of your successes that day, one per line. Include both the little and big ones.

  2. Similarly, under "failures," list each of what you perceive to be the day's failures. For example, take a look at my morning:


    1. I remembered to water my plant.

    2. I remembered to put the coffee on before I ran out to my meeting.

    3. I remembered to send an email to my bank asking them to deliver the papers here.

    4. I downloaded the free version of RealPlayer's Helix program and installed it.

    5. I converted the updated Target Process audio I created yesterday to RealPlayer format.

    1. I forgot to close Netscape last night before making a backup so I got an error message.

    2. I forgot to completely shut off the water in the sink and now the dripping is annoying me.

  3. Then read through your success list.
    After reading each "success," remember the experience it refers to and say to yourself, "That's a success. I'd like more like of those!"

  4. Next read through your "failure" list. After each "failure," remember the experience and say to yourself, "That's a failure. I don't want any more of those!"

If you do this every day, you will soon see that the daily list of successes increases and the list of failures decreases simply  because you consciously framed the experiences that you consider successes and the ones that you consider failures and told your unconscious to focus on generating the former and reducing the latter.

What you focus on is an instruction to your unconscious. 

If you want more successes, focus on successes. 

Easy, isn't it?

Of course, what I just showed you is a baby step but it is an effective one.

Tomorrow, you will receive part three of this free email course. It's called "How to Get Your Inner Forces All Moving Toward the Same Goal."

This lesson was taken from "How to Get Lots of Money for Anything - Fast!" by Stuart A. Lichtman and Joe Vitale .  For more  information about this ebook, visit http://www.ebizindia.biz/fastmoney.php

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