There are a lot of things you can do for your web site’s promotion and publicity. This includes directory submission, on-page optimisation and link exchange. However in my opinion, the best investment is setting up a blog. This provides several other advantages, as you can see below.

1. A frequently updated blog can make your site appear to be fresh and regularly updated. Search engines love such site and quickly index the new content.

2. It is really tricky to update the main site if you do not have a web maintenance contract with some web development agency or a freelancer. However you can add new content to your blog quite easily through a user-friendly interface.

3. You can make small and big announcements on your blog and the clients can get notified of the update through your announcement list or through the RSS Feed of the blog.

4. The new products can be announced on the blog as soon as they are available. You don’t need to wait for the agency to update the site to let your clients know about these new products.

5. Your blog can be submitted to the large number of blog directories – these result in quality incoming one-way links and add to your search engine reputation and ranking.

Our Linux hosting with support for PHP and MySQL is perfect for hosting WordPress based blogs. WordPress is considered as the most powerful blog software and is highly customisable.

It is FREE too – so you do not need to buy it. Just pay a small charge for setup and integration of the blog with your main site and optionally (highly recommended) get it promoted. All the details of the blog setup service are here. Learn about our Linux web hosting packages here.

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