You can use our powerful email alias (email forwarding) function to have powerful functional email accounts that don’t change when people join or leave.
Case study: Our company
The support in our company is presently managed by Abhijit and Suranjan. Rather than ask people to send emails to their personal accounts, we ask you to send emails to support@… account. By using the email alias function, we send a copy of these emails to both Abhijit and Suranjan (and a copy to me for information).
Now if Suranjan were to leave or he got transferred to another department, you don’t have to change your procedure. We will simply add the internal pointing to the other guy and remove Suranjan from this list. So all the right people will still be getting your emails.
Use this type of addresses for sales, support, info, accounts and other functional addresses in your company. Remember that we allow unlimited email accounts and aliases with every hosting package.
Note: The email client in your executives’ computers should be configured with the ‘Reply-to’ address as the functional address you selected. Otherwise when the support people reply and the client writes back, the email will go to him only and not the whole group.